Economic Annals-ХХІ
ISSN 1728-6220 (Print)
ISSN 1728-6239 (Online)
Volume 95, Issue 3-4
May 23, 2008

Valeriy Litvicky
About inflation call-down 3-5
Vyacheslav Dedekayev
Determinants of corruption in the Ukraine’s taxation authorities 6-7
Dmitriy Lomsadze
Modern situation and prospects of solving the global energy problem in world economics 8-9
Traian Laurentiu Hristea
The role of higher educational institutions in the representing of NATO role: Romania’s experience 10-11
Creation Zhytomyr Centre on Euro-Atlantic Integration 12-21
Creation Volyn Centre on Euro-Atlantic Integration 22
Olexandr Korniychuk
Geosecurity is key condition of Ukraine’s geopotential realization 23-24
Ukraine and Russia on the route of democracy
Presentation of Institute of Society Transformation book, Voronezh – Bryansk – Lviv 25-27
Sumy region (Ukraine) and Lubuskie Wojewodstwo (Poland) are forming the model of partnership
Ukrainian-Polish Forum 28-37
Vyacheslav Shaposhnik
Opening remarks 29
Oleh Tulyakov
Opening remarks 29
Riszard Sosnowski
Lubuskie Wojewodstwo: Europe from both sides of the border 30-31
Lina Polischuk
Main priorities of Ukrainian and Polish regions cooperation: realities and prospects 31-33
Leonid Melnyk
Ecological vector of transborder economic-social cooperation 34
Victoria Yalovenko
New opportunities of Polish cities after Poland accessing to EU 34-35
Oleh Soskin
Partnership of Ukrainian and Polish cities is a real way of Ukraine’s Eurointegration 35-36
Discussion Review 36-37
Sumy region (Ukraine) will cooperate with Lubuskie Wojewodstwo (Poland) at the level of cities and rayons
International project of Institute of Society Transformation 38-39
Vitaliy Tron
Administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine: optimal approach in the conditions of uncertainty, risk and multi-criteria compromise 40-43
Olexandr Syshynskyi
Executive authority and local self-government from the position of responsible state 44-48
Serhiy Chykurliy
Local finances reform as a necessary condition of Ukrainian local self-government strengthening 49-51
Development by the way of Euro-integration: experience of Visegrad group countries cities for Ukraine
International project of Institute of Society Transformation 52-54
Modern media-technologies as an instrument to support openness and transparency of city authority activities
IST Trainings 55-56