Economic Annals-ХХI: Volume 146, Issue 11-12, Pages: 15-18

Citation information:
Holovatyi, M. (2014). Multiculturalism as a means of nations and countries interethnic unity achieving. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 15-18.

Mykola Holovatyi
D.Sc. (Political Sciences),
Professor, Vice-Rector,
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
2 Frometivska Str., Kyiv, 03039, Ukraine

Multiculturalism as a means of nations and countries interethnic unity achieving

Abstract. Multiculturalism is an objective phenomenon of current societal development and acts as an important basis of social advancement for no other reason that human communities cannot be uniform and static. In the context of emergence post-industrial, information-oriented societies and high-capacity globalization processes, multiculturalism shapes a multi-polar world, which faces fundamental changes in the values of man, group, and society. Therefore, mankind has faced a problem, on the one hand, of certain unification/alignment of life models and on the other hand – the problem of sustainable development and advancement of historical and traditional cultures, ways of life, and interpersonal dealings.

The purpose of the present publication is to consider the phenomenon of multiculturalism as a process, which leads to multiculturalism policies, cultural multiculturalism but that demands from countries and peoples to avoid, in the context of diversity of cultures, ideologies, any conflicts, off stands, and divisions, and to learn to live in unity and cooperation. This is particularly so with political differentiation, which has taken on in the 21st century exceptional acuteness and topicality.

Research into this problem was conducted with the use of the historical-analytical, synergetic, culturological, comparative and other methods, which enables to emphasize the similarities and differences in multiculturalism, the specifics of its manifestation, in contemporary Ukraine.

The key research findings offer an opportunity to conclude that multiculturalism: a) is a specific, historically objective phenomenon of societal life, which ensure real social advancement; b) multiculturalism policy should be secured through a political dialog among countries and nations; c) in multicultural, multiethnic societies, a state ideology is the unifying factor of entire society that is based on the principles of multiculturalism, democracy, and humanism.

Keywords: Multiculturalism; Unity; Differentiation; Integration; National Policy

JEL Classification: Z18; Z19


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Received 03.11.2014