Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 107, Issue 3-4, Pages: 38-41

Citation information:
Zernecka, O. V. (2010). National anti-crisis strategies and public broadcasting service (experience of USA). Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4, 38-41.

O. V. Zernetska

National anti-crisis strategies and public broadcasting service (experience of USA)

Abstract. In the article the experience of The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and its funding by The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) in response to the economic downturn are analyzed. The forms of its reacting to the U. S. crisis economic realities, characteristic of its on air and online multimedia content such as informational, mobilization, socializing, educational are assigned. The necessity of implementation of such economic anti-crisis strategies in Ukraine is displayed.

Keywords: the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS); the Corporation For Public Broadcasting (CPB); Anti-Crisis Strategies; Economic Media Programs’ Funding; Multimedia Content