The international center of ISSN, which is situated in Paris, gave The Economic Annals-XXI Journal the numerical code of international ISSN’s authentication:
ISSN 1728-6220 (Print),
ISSN 1728-6239 (Online)
The Economic Annals-XXI Journal was included in the international register of the periodic mass medias in July, 2003.
Grant of the ISSN number testifies that The Economic Annals-XXI Journal meets the international standards in relation to editions of such type.
A standard numerical code of ІSSN’s authentication is extraordinarily suitable for the computer’s use, the search and the data’s communication. ІSSN presents exact information of the publications and helps to find and use them by researchers, scientists and librarians.
ІSSN is a fundamental instrument for the effective supply of the documents. He provides useful and economical method of connection between publishers and users.
In accordance with ISО standards concerning ІSSN, this number should be placed in the right overhead corner of the cover’s top page, and on the page with initial data.