Subjects of economic security of a city
Modenov, A., Vlasov, M., & Kharchenko, O. (2021). Subjects of economic security of a city. Economic Annals-XXI, 193(9-10), 161-169. doi:
International Research Journal, Open Access
Modenov, A., Vlasov, M., & Kharchenko, O. (2021). Subjects of economic security of a city. Economic Annals-XXI, 193(9-10), 161-169. doi:
Bondareva, Y., Vaganova, O., Vladyka, M., Kamyshanchenko, E., & Stryabkova, E. (2021). Theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the quality of regional economic space. Economic Annals-XXI, 193(9-10), 152-160. doi:
Raimbekov, Zh., Syzdykbayeva, B., Zhenskhan, D., & Mukanov, A. (2021). Regional distribution networks: evaluation of the functioning and development efficiency. Economic Annals-XXI, 191(7-8(1)), 114-126. doi:
Lentner, Cs., & Hegedűs, Sz. (2021). Certain issues of the sustainability of public services in municipalities on macro and micro levels, with special regard to the period of the COVID-19…
Illés, B. Cs., Oravecz, T., Žufan, P., Šedík, P., & Mucha, L. (2021). Honey production competitiveness between the Visegrad countries analysis based on the relative comparative advantages indices. Economic Annals-XXI,…
Vertakova, Yu., Babich, T., & Lebedenko, O. (2020). Use of public-private partnership for the implementation of innovative urban policy and formation of the adaptive territory. Economic Annals-XXI, 186(11-12), 124-133. doi:…
Kovarda, V. (2020). Improving the theoretical and methodological framework of the system for analyzing the balanced state of social and economic development of regions. Economic Annals-XXI, 186(11-12), 112-123. doi:
Melnyk, M., Leshchukh, I., Medynska, T., & Rushchyshyn, N. (2020). Potential of the sector of financial services in view of the socio-economic growth of Ukrainian regions. Economic Annals-XXI, 185(9-10), 144-154.…
Grzelak, M. M., & Roszko-Wójtowicz, E. (2020). Tourist attractiveness of voivodeships in Poland in the light of selected indicators: a dynamic approach. Economic Annals-XXI, 184(7-8), 161-177. doi:
Romanova, A. (2020). Features and trends of the Chernobyl tourism development. Economic Annals-XXI, 183(5-6), 134-141. doi:
Popova, Ye. (2020). Economic or financial substantiation for smart city solutions: a literature study. Economic Annals-XXI, 183(5-6), 125-133. doi:
Кirilchuk, I., & Rykunova, V. (2019). Unauthorized dumps: socio-economic aspects of the problem. Economic Annals-XXI, 180(11-12), 165-172. doi:
Polyakova, T., & Tsurik, T. (2019). Urban environment quality and its impact on socio-economic development. Economic Annals-XXI, 180(11-12), 155-164. doi:
Kosmaczewska, J. (2019). Acceptance of foreigners among the host students in the context tourism development in Poland. Economic Annals-XXI, 179(9-10), 115-125. doi:
Ngo Chi, T., Le Hoang Ba, H., Hoang Thanh, H., Le Quang, H., & Le Van, C. (2019). Linkages in modern distribution channels formation: the study of factors affecting mountainous…