Economic Annals-XXI is an independent open access international research journal indexed in the leading world databases (Scopus, WoS ESCI; EBSCO and others) established in 1996 by the Institute of Society Transformation (Kyiv, Ukraine & Rzeszow, Poland), a leading research centre and think-tank of Ukraine.
Founders of the Journal: Institute of Society Transformation (Kyiv, Ukraine & Rzeszow, Poland) &
State Institution «Institute of Regional Research named after M. I. Dolishniy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» (Lviv, Ukraine).
Publisher of the Journal: Institute of Society Transformation (Kyiv, Ukraine & Rzeszow, Poland).
ISSN 1728-6220 (Print); ISSN 1728-6239 (Online); DOI by Crossref:
We publish peer–reviewed scientific papers of leading and promising researchers from all over the world in the fields of economics, politics and social sciences. We preserve the values of freedom of speech, free market economy, democratic development, social and environmental responsibility. There is an APC.
Economic Annals-XXI is open for new unconventional topics. We prefer papers with an international aspect, consideration and comparison.
Please, keep in mind that your paper should have a clear theoretical background, up-to-date literature review of works from all over the world on your subject with the active DOI links as well as include the most actual data and statistics and a real practical approbation.
Remember that an international research paper is not a report with the results of your scientific project. Please, take your project results and write a research text with its clear tasks, structure, findings and ideas which can be useful to the readers in different countries of the world. Follow the Author instructions.
Our Editorial team follows your best interest in presentation of your personality and research findings to the world academic community.
You can communicate with us in English, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Slovak, Czech.
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