You can view and download an article of previous years even though a link for it in the contents of the volume ad issue has not been activated so far. How to find and view such an article in the Archive? Please, follow the instruction:
- Go to a contents page of the volume at the Archive web-page (press the number of the volume).
- There, you see the contents with the articles. Start count from 01 to the article which you are looking for (from 01 to 09, then, 10, 11 and so on). Note the number.
- Type in an ending to the general link:
Form the ending to the general link based on the number of volume and an exact number for the paper you are looking for in that volume. Make sure you don’t have any spaces inside the link. Then, insert it to the web-browser’s URL address line and press Enter. You will be re-directed to the web-page with the article’s PDF. - Look at the example:
If we have Volume 152, and a number of the paper in the content you counted is 03 (which in this case is Ilnytskyy, D. (Ukraine). Regional development and R&D activity: international comparison In English 12-16, then, an ending to the general link will be:
Form a full URL link to the article, it will be: