Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 108, Issue 5-6, Pages: 9-13

Citation information:
Poltoratskyy, O. S. (2010). Ukraine’s present integration strategy development in the context of choosing the optimal model of its national security provision. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 9-13.

O. S. Poltoratskyy

Ukraine’s present integration strategy development in the context of choosing the optimal model of its national security provision

Abstract. The article analyses tendencies and factors underpinning the formation of a state’s integration strategy under present international realities, discusses existing alternatives for Ukraine’s national interests realization and the choice for the optimal model of its national security provision, particularly keeping in mind the necessity to clearly define Ukraine’s foreign policy course upon the relevant strategy of its further social and political development.

Keywords: National Interest; Integration Strategy; Security System; National Security; Status of a State; NATO; EU; CSTO; SOC