Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 109, Issue 7-8, Pages:

Citation information:
Kuznetsov, O. V. (2010). Ukraine and Russia in the context of European economic and civilization paradigm. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8, 10-13.

O. V. Kuznetsov

Ukraine and Russia in the context of European economic and civilization paradigm

Abstract. In this article the comparative analysis of fundamental components of European economic and civilization paradigm with features of modern social and economic development in Russia and in Ukraine is carried out. Objective preconditions and potential possibilities of adaptation of the Post-Soviet countries to modern principles of construction of the common European space are studied. The ways of overcoming a peripheral status in developments of Ukraine and Russia under acceleration of globalization processes are identified.

Keywords: Economic and Civilization Paradigm; Common European Space; Economic Systems