Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 111, Issue 11-12, Pages: 7-10

Citation information:
Poltoratskyi, O. S. (2010). The Eastern European dimension of the present strategy for EU foreign policy: factors, challenges and perspectives of Ukraine’s European integration. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 7-10.

O. S. Poltoratskyy

The Eastern European dimension of the present strategy for EU foreign policy: factors, challenges and perspectives of Ukraine’s European integration

Abstract. The article outlines basic approaches regarding the present EU foreign policy towards Eastern European states, analyses formal legal guidelines of Ukraine’s European integration, the European vision of its Eastern neighborhood within the framework of integration without membership. The possibility of implementing Ukraine’s European integration in the Eastern European and wider international and geopolitical context is discussed.

Keywords: Strategy; EU Foreign Policy; Cooperation; Partnership; Integration; «Eastern Neighborhood»