Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 112, Issue 1-2, Pages: 59-62

Citation information:
Vatamanyuk-Zelinska, U. Z. (2011). The measures of regional policy in maintenance of the enterpreneur development in the industrial sector of economics. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2, 59-62.

U. Z. Vatamanyuk-Zelinska

The measures of regional policy in maintenance of the enterpreneur development in the industrial sector of economics

Abstract. The problematic aspects of costs financing on realization of budgetary programs are considered. State expenses on financing programs related to enterprise development are analyzed. Attention is paid to advantages of industrial sector of economics investment support that in prospect will provide the replenishment of income part of budgets on all levels.

Keywords: Regional Policy; Industrial Sector; Enterprise; Mechanism of Financial Resources Division