Islamic banking and its financial instruments in the context of the concept of potential financial system model

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 113, Issue 3-4, Pages: 13-16

Citation information:
Chugaiev, O. A., & Cherednichenko, F. V. (2011). Islamic banking and its financial instruments in the context of the concept of potential financial system model. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4, 13-16.

O. A. Chugaiev,

F. V. Cherednichenko

Islamic banking and its financial instruments in the context of the concept of potential financial system model

Abstract. The article is devoted to the specific features of the development of the Islamic financial system model in the modern world. It analyses purposes, arguments for and against the implementation of Islamic banking practice and the use of Islamic financial instruments. Prospects of Islamic finance emerging in Ukraine are also considered.

Keywords: Islamic Banking; Islamic Financial Instruments; Sharia law; Musharakah; Sukuk