Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 113, Issue 3-4, Pages: 62-65

Citation information:
Udovichenko, V. P., & Maiurenko, S. O. (2011). The influence of the financial economic crisis on local socio-economic development in context of international experience. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4, 62-65.

V. P. Udovichenko,

S. O. Maiurenko

The influence of the financial-economic crisis on local socio-economic development in the context of international experience

Abstract. In the article the influence of the financial economic crisis on local socio-economic development is considered. The most suffered spheres of local self-government from the financial-economic crisis are selected. Some measures of foreign countries are represented in relation to overcoming negative consequences of financial economic crisis at the local level. The main tasks of the local level on which it is necessary to concentrate are presented.

Keywords: Crisis; Local Self-Government; Inflation; Unemployment