Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 115, Issue 7-8, Pages: 7-10

Citation information:
Poluneyev, Y. V. (2011). Main indicators of the transformational development sustainability of Ukraine in the process of its international competitiveness growing. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8, 7-10.

Y. V. Poluneyev

Main indicators of the transformational development sustainability of Ukraine in the process of its international competitiveness growing

Abstract. The article analyzes the main indicators of sustainability that affect the development of Ukraine and its level of competitiveness on an international scale. The article proves the necessity of qualitative changes of these indicators in the process of transformational development of the country with consideration of such data in public administration of major areas of the economy.

Keywords: Sustainability; Efficiency of Health Care System; Energy Security; Competitiveness of a Country; Transformational Development