Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 117, Issue 11-12, Pages: 64-67
Citation information:
Amanzhaev, D. G. (2011). Ukrainian aspects of reform the mortgage lending market based on experience of Turkmenistan. Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 64-67.
D. G. Amanzhaev
Ukrainian aspects of reform the mortgage lending market based on experience of Turkmenistan
Abstract. The article considers the development of the construction market for the population lived in Ukraine for 2005-2011 years, in order to use the experience of Turkmenistan in the plane of the state’s participation in the mechanism analyzed mortgage rates mortgage development of Turkmenistan for 2000-2010 years and the proposed model equity of regional and local budgets in the residential mortgage lending.
Keywords: Housing; Secondary Mortgage Market; Mortgage Lending; Social Protection; the Model of the Equity; the Pace of Construction