Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 120, Issue 5-6, Pages: 33-35

Citation information:
Bayura, D. A., & Buyan, O. A. (2012). Social parameters of competitiveness in the context of CSR mechanism development. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6, 33-35.

D. A. Bayura,

O. A. Buyan

Social parameters of competitiveness in the context of CSR mechanism development

Abstract. In the article social parameters concerning the mechanism of corporate social responsibility formation (CSR) are considered. Theoretical and methodological bases of CSR mechanism formation are resulted. In the article the comparative analysis between activity of the enterprises which are engaged in CSR introduction and activity of the enterprises which aren’t socially responsible are carried out.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; the Mechanism of CSR Formation; Model of Socially Responsible Competence