De-dollarization strategies in emerging markets

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 121, Issue 7-8, Pages: 19-21

Citation information:
Zykova, O. I. (2012). De-dollarization strategies in emerging markets. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8, 19-21.

O. I. Zykova

De-dollarization strategies in emerging markets

Abstract. The article covers the results of the research on de-dollarization strategies considering the example of the Latin American countries, which experienced a gradual decline in the level of financial dollarization. The empirical results were achieved through two standard tools of VAR-analysis: impulse response functions and variance decomposition, in order to examine the role of three sets of factors – macroeconomic variables, prudential regulations, and the development of the capital market in domestic currency – as drivers of de-dollarization.

Keywords: Financial De-Dollarization; Exchange Rate Volatility; Prudential Regulations; Impulse Response Function; Variance Decomposition