Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 121, Issue 7-8, Pages: 44-46

Citation information:
Slobodchykova, O. А. (2012). Mechanism of ensuring the strategic sustainability of the metallurgical enterprise in terms of restructuring. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8, 44-46.

O. А. Slobodchykova

Mechanism of ensuring the strategic sustainability of the metallurgical enterprise in terms of restructuring

Abstract. The article examines theoretical approaches to define the essence of «sustainability» and «strategic sustainability of the company», explores the correlation between the key components of the strategic sustainability of the company. The author substantiates the necessity of developing the mechanisms of ensuring the strategic sustainability of the metallurgical enterprise and proposes the algorithm of its strategic sustainability in terms of restructuring.

Keywords: Sustainability; Strategic Sustainability of the Company; Restructuring, Metallurgical Enterprise; Mechanism of Ensuring the Strategic Sustainability of the Enterprise