Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 125, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 16-19

Citation information:
Alimpiyev, Ye. (2013). Financial and monetary regulation of economics through the channel of financial assets’ prices. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 16-19.

Yevgeniy Alimpiyev
PhD (Economics),
Docent of Economic Theory Faculty,
University of Economy and Law «КROК»,
D.Sc. Degree Seeker (Economics),
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine

Financial and monetary regulation of economics through the channel of financial assets’ prices

Abstract. The article examines the role of the channel of the financial assets’ prices in providing equilibrium dynamics of economic development in the long term. The possibilities of the financial and monetary impact on macroeconomic proportions by adjusting the prices of financial assets in Ukrainian economy are considered. The author compares advantages and disadvantages of the profitability level of investment in real capital regulating in order to provide the potential size of production in the economy of Ukraine. It is concluded that the increase of alternatives available for private investment is necessary. The priorities of economic policy in enhancing the formation of production capital and in regulating of financial assets markets are also stated in the article.

Keywords: Financial and Monetary Transmission; Channel of Asset Prices; Private Investments; Secure Capital Growth

JEL Classification: G18; E22; E63


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Received 06.01.2013