Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 125, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 80-83
Citation information:
Mikhaylichenko, G. (2013). Methodological bases of tourist enterprise innovative potential evaluation. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 80-83.
Ganna Mikhaylichenko
PhD (Economics),
D.Sc. Degree Candidate (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Ukraine
Methodological bases of tourist enterprise innovative potential evaluation
Abstract. As the result of research, the author has found the problems of tourism potential assessment as a source of innovativeness in tourism; has analyzed its indicators and methods of measurement; has defined the category «innovative potential of tourism» and has presented the model of its evaluation. Given tools allow to use frugally tourist resource potential of the country/region/destination; impact positively on the value pricing of exhaustible resources for sustainable tourism development; allow forming capital resources of potentially attractive resorts that will increase their investment and reputational status.
JEL Classification: A13; B21; D23; L83; O12
Keywords: Tourist Potential; Innovative Development; Assessment of the Potential; Components and Methods of Tourism Potential Measuring; Resource Potential
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Received 18.01.2013