Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 125, Issue 1-2(1), Pages: 91-94

Citation information:
Vedmid, N. (2013). Functional and purpose filling of sanatorium-resort and healthcare service in the hierarchy of necessities. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(1), 91-94.

Nadiya Vedmid
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
D.Sc. Degree Seeker (Economics),
Kyiv National Trade & Economics University, Ukraine

Functional and purpose filling of sanatorium-resort and healthcare service in the hierarchy of necessities

Abstract. In the article a role and a special purpose of a sanatorium-resort and health care service is probed in the hierarchy of requirements in interconnection with the change of health value in the system of human necessities. Essential characteristics of sanatorium-resort and health service in the account of hierarchy of health values are outlined taking into account functional-purpose filling.

Keywords: Sanatorium-Resort and Health Service; Health; Health Value; Medical-Biological Function; Preventively Valeological Function

JEL Classification: A13; I12; L20


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Received 24.12.2012