Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 126, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 3-6

Citation information:
Marynina, S. (2013). The peculiarities of regional integration unities – in the Asia-Pacific Region. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 3-6.

Svitlana Marynina
PhD Student,
Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

The peculiarities of regional integration unities – in the Asia-Pacific Region

Abstract. In the article the tendencies and perspectives of integration processes in Asia-Pacific Region are found out taking into account both the geo-economic situation in mentioned region and influence of growing interdependency on countries development in case of their membership in these integrations. In the article, definition of directions of the APR’s international economic integration development and identification the differences between subregional and regional integration are represented. The specificity of APR’s integration associations and prospects of their further development in the economic world space is defined. The recent macroeconomic indicators of these associations are presented. The characteristic features of economic growth areas were defined on the basis of the analysis of East Asian countries’ economic cooperation. As a result of this research, the differences between the subregional and regional integration were determined.

The specificity of APR’s integration is linked with the priority subregional integration over regional. The influence of the disintegration factor and differences in economic development levels are less important at the subregional level. The features of the APR’s integration processes and their influence on the world economy were defined.

Keywords: Regional Integration Cooperation; Integration Processes; Economic Cooperation; Economic Development Area; Free Trade Area; Asia-Pacific Region

JEL Classification: F02; F29


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Received 10.01.2013