Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 126, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 7-10
Citation information:
Zabarina, D. (2013). The essence of economic and financial flexibility management of the real sector of economy entities. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 7-10.
Daria Zabarina
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after MykhayiloTugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine
The essence of economic and financial flexibility management of the real sector of economy entities
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to open the essence and content of conceptual and categorical ensuring the management of the financial and economic flexibility of the subjects of the real sector of economy.
During the research we used such methods as: system method (for justification the theoretical bases of management process of the financial and economic flexibility of the subjects of the real sector of economy), method of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (to clarify the subject of research)
On the basis of the research the following definition was proposed: the management of the financial and economic flexibility of the subjects of the real sector of economy is the process of development and implementation of managerial decisions of strategic and operational issues which ensure the preservation and economic state of industrial enterprise.
We have clarified the essence and the content of the notion «financial and economic flexibility of the entity of the real sector of economy» which we have defined as the ability to respond quickly to changing conditions of functioning of the industrial enterprise through the redistribution of resources with the purpose to preserve and improve the financial and economic condition.
The obtained results can be used for further scientific and theoretical studies as well as for forming a strategy of the flexible development of the industrial enterprises activities.
Keywords: Entity of the Real Sector; Flexibility of Enterprises; Financial-Economic Flexibility; Management
JEL Classification: A19; A19; B40; B40; O10
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Received 28.12.2012