Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 126, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 30-33

Citation information:
Demianchuk, I. (2013). Realization of state income policy in turbulence conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 30-33.

Iryna Demianchuk
PhD Student,
University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Ukraine

Realization of state income policy in turbulence conditions

Abstract. The article deals with state income policy in turbulence conditions realization. The main trends of economic turbulence influence on results of state income policy are found. The necessity of state fiscal policy adaptation to turbulence is proved. The purpose of the article is to estimate the implementation of income policy in Ukraine and to study the ways of its adjustment in the face of turbulence.

The results of the research allow us to make the following conclusions. During the test period the State is trying to adapt the fiscal policy to the conditions of turbulence. The adaptation is carried out mainly through the implementation of the fiscal capacity of indirect taxation. Regulating tax potential on production, it is not fully realized that the turbulence significantly reduces the potential for economic growth. The current state of the debt instruments usage in the mechanism of fiscal policy is an additional factor of the economic turbulence and the mechanism of their application needs additional research.

Keywords: Economic Turbulence; Taxes; Income Policy; Fiscal Policy

JEL Classification: E22; H22; H32


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Received 10.01.2013