Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 126, Issue 1-2(2), Pages: 38-41
Citation information:
Stolyaruk, K. (2013). Creation of social and individual competences profile of a specialist in the sphere of personnel management. Economic Annals-XXI, 1-2(2), 38-41.
Kristina Stolyaruk
PhD Student,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine
Creation of social and individual competences profile of a specialist in the sphere of personnel management
Abstract. Urgency of research of individual and social aspects of employee’s competency is increasing. An effective specialist has to have not only professional competences, but also individual qualities highly developed. In addition, he has to be capable to work in a team, to carry on negotiations, to manage his emotions. It supports an advisability of formulation of individual and social competences with the behavioral indicators for personnel management specialist. The article is devoted to creation of the profile of these competences. This profile includes three development degrees of competences: the beginner degree, the degree for advanced employee, the professional degree. The profile is created in order to improve the competitiveness degree of personnel management specialist estimation procedure. It is a component of the universal model of competences. This model includes also other groups of competences. They form the integrative competency of a specialist.
Keywords: Profile of Competences; Individual Competences; Social Competences; Model of Competences; Behavioral Indicator
JEL Classification: J20; J24; J44
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Received 20.01.2013