Periodization and forecast of global dynamics of human resources development

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 3-6

Citation information:
Sardak, S., & Sukhoteplyi, V. (2013). Periodization and forecast of global dynamics of human resources development. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 3-6.

Serhiy Sardak
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine

Volodymyr Sukhoteplyi
Director of «Home & Nation» Ltd, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Periodization and forecast of global dynamics of human resources development

Abstract. Analyzing and modeling interconnections between crucial factors of human development, rates of growth thereof and elasticity of the growth rates, the authors have defined specific periods of the development and have made a forecast for the dynamics of the human resources development.

Those periods have been defined more exactly and arranged as follows: the first one – «Before Christ»; the second one – «Early Medieval» (1-1100 a.d.); the third one – «Advanced Medieval» (1101-1625); the forth one – «Pioneer’s Modernization» (1626-1970); the fifth one – «Industrialization» (1871-2030) and the sixth one – «Informational society» – after 2030.

The results received enable to make forecasts of the global factors dynamics, to find out unified solutions in socio-economic sphere, to define tendencies in social development and to build up unified strategic approaches for modeling global influence on human resources.

Keywords: Global Dynamics; Development; Human Resources; Periodization; Forecast; Growth Rate; Elasticity

JEL Classification: C51; O10; O15; F01; F20


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Received 08.02.2013