Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 10-13
Citation information:
Redzyuk, Ye. (2013). Evolution of the stock exchanges influence on the socio-economic environment of the world. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 10-13.
Yevheniy Redzyuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
D.Sc. Student,
Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Evolution of the stock exchanges influence on the socio-economic environment of the world
Abstract. The article deals with current issues of evolution and development of the world stock market, and examines specific areas of modern manifestations of instability in the stock markets around the world. The author suggests a number of measures to improve the efficiency of monitoring the stock exchange in the world based on the identified current trends of the international market. An establishment of a supranational authority control on the activities of stock exchanges in the world is proposed. This authority could perform the system of risk reduction in world stock markets. It is noted that the work of the International Monetary Fund experts is not fully effective in monitoring the status of macroeconomic indicators of specific countries and the state of stock exchanges development. To improve the assessment of macroeconomic indicators in each country the author proposes the introduction of additional monitoring indicators. Furthermore, it is advisable to reduce the attractiveness of tax havens that distort competitiveness between countries and destabilize activities of stock exchanges.
Keywords: Stock Market; Stock Exchange; World Stock Market; Evolution of the Stock Market
JEL Classification: F21; G15; O16
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Received 15.02.2013