Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 28-30

Citation information:
Chugayenko, Yu. (2013). Influence of government’s regulation of the law of labor change operation in market conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 28-30.

Yuryi Chugayenko
PhD (Economics),
D.Sc. (History),
Head of Social Science Department,
National Academy of Managment, Kyiv, Ukraine

Influence of government’s regulation of the law of labor change operation in market conditions

Abstract. Introduction. Transition of Ukrainian economy to market relations revealed a series of problems which break the purposeful change of labor by workers and managers, strengthening disproportions between the quality of workforce and material base of production. This has negative impact on economics development and counterparts of production. Results. The author analyzes the influence of the material and technical resources of production on the professional structure of workers transformation in the market conditions, identifies issues of government regulation of this process, he provides recommendations to improve governmental activity. Conclusions. The law of labor change is characterized nowadays with professional horizontal and vertical mobility. Ukrainian economic conditions activate not only upward, but also downward mobility. The Government has to consider such tendency and provide the policy which prevents massive labor prospects and social status loss by Ukrainian citizens. It is important to minimize with the methods of state regulation the influence of the law of labor change «blind destructive force» as K. Marks had called it.

Keywords: the Law of Labor Change; Material and Technical Resources of Production; Governmental Regulation

JEL Classification: J21; J62; J63; J68


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Received 15.03.2013