Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 50-53

Citation information:
Botsian, T. (2013). Ethics of business in Ukraine through the prism of non-financial reporting. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 50-53.

Tetyana Botsian
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, Ukraine

Ethics of business in Ukraine through the prism of non-financial reporting

Abstract. Introduction. The author made comprehensive consideration of business ethics in Ukraine from the philosophical and economic perspectives. The specifics of business ethics by examining the level of community awareness of non-financial reporting were generalized.

Results. The author states that more and more companies position themselves as ethical, confirming this by non-financial reports compilation. However, analysis of the reports quality showed that these reports have the following shortcomings: 1) non-clarity; 2) lack of credibility; 3) concealing of negative experiences; 4) non-comparison. It is found that in Ukraine only 19.35% of non-financial statements fully comply with the principles of information quality assurance.

The author concludes that all the firms by the coverage of business ethics in non-financial reporting can be divided into the following groups: amoral, conventionally moral, ethically relative and ethically universal. The first two groups of companies do not provide non-financial reporting, while the second two – provide. The companies searching the universal ethical approaches to business activity are the key force for sustainable development of the society, or the Aristotle’s «polis autarky».

Keywords: Business Ethics; Non-Financial Statement; Corporate Social Responsibility

JEL Classification: A13; D83; M14


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Received 08.02.2013