Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 57-60
Citation information:
Telnova, G. (2013). General positions of the integrated corporative structure financial management concepts determination. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 57-60.
Ganna Telnova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donbas State Engineering Academy, Kramatorsk, Ukraine
General positions of the integrated corporative structure financial management concepts determination
Abstract. Introduction. Economic situation, which formed in Ukraine, requires from businessman particularly weighted decisions and constant, goal-directed management in sphere of finances. Formation integrated corporative structures (ICS) in modern condition is one of the factors of the firm’s operation in industry of Ukraine. In managerial system ICS defining place belongs to financial management which has a specific line. Financial management of ICS requires further modeling of relations for financial resource management of enterprises’ corporative structures (ECS), which are checked and adjusted at a level of ICS. Purpose of the article is to determine main basis of financial management of the integrated corporative structure concepts.
Methods. Main method of the study is system-logical analysis. For studies of the processes in financial management of the integrated corporative structures and enterprise of the corporative structure, analysis allows to subdivide it on operations, reveal in it relationship and relations, but syntheses enables to connect all operations, relationship and relations and form the general outlook of the financial management system. Method of stratifications is used to determine phenomena of personal type dependencies layer. In system study of financial management such layer is a shaping integer and subordinated by it problems, strategies and tactics of management, separation of the subsystems of management in system of financial management and others. Important in concepts of financial management is a morphological analysis which allows not simple decomposition i.e. decomposition integer on its component parts, but separation element on principle of functional value and dug influences of the element or subsystems on condition of the general problem. Results. Defining components of any concepts are a purpose, problems, principles and conceptual positions. Vision to purposes of financial management of the integrated corporative structure is concluded in achievement of the firm development ICS in long-term prospect. Under firm’s development ICS follows the understanding of quantitative-qualitative change of its condition, directed on stable high result of the ICS operation for the sake of provision balancing personal, collective and public interest. To defining positions to concepts of ICS financial management we consider expedient to refer: achievement of maximum public, personal and collective effect; using the syntheses approach to building of the financial management system; the separation of the subsystems of financial management on base of the financial methods of management; the separation of financial management function from position of ECS financial resource management; ensuring the mechanism of the close-fitting interaction of the subsystems and functions of financial management; management on base of the regulation of the system of the balanced factors which characterize working the subsystems and their functions execution in the financial management of corporations; using the economic and mathematical methods of the estimation and regulations of the processes of financial management and acceptance on their base of the management decisions. Conclusion. Certain purpose, problems and principles of financial management allow forming the defining positions to concepts of ICS financial management, directed to maximum satisfaction of public, personal and collective interest. Introduction to this concepts will allow to provide the firm development of ICS in long-term prospect.
Keywords: Financial Management; Integrated Corporative Structure; Concept
JEL Classification: G30; L20
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Received 06.02.2013