Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 61-63
Citation information:
Valinkevych, N. (2013). The conceptual foundations of enterprises economic modernization implementation in market economy conditions. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 61-63.
Nataliya Valinkevych
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Zhytomyr State Technological University, Ukraine
The conceptual foundations of enterprises economic modernization implementation in market economy conditions
Abstract. The article presents the author’s system of views on the economic modernization implementation process of Ukraine’s food industry enterprises in the market economy conditions. The content of the «economic modernization» concept is defined, which differs significantly from the domestic experience of its development and diffusion.
It is proved that modern enterprises operating in uncertainty conditions in order to maintain their market position must always react to changing internal and external environment and form a clear interaction (or communication) between them, in which one phenomenon (process), which is the reason, with the presence of certain conditions inevitably gives rise to another phenomenon (process), which is a consequence (or effect). Such causal relationship from the standpoint of modernization is presented in the article. It is reasoned that causal relationship consists in the securement of enterprise’s modernization success with its economic and modernization components. Practical measures elaboration for the successful implementation of economic modernization should be based on the conceptual principles of the enterprise’s economic potential securement and development. Thus, the formation of the economic modernization influence on the economic entities functioning examination model acquires special relevance. In our view, this model must be based on a new paradigm to the usage of financial, organizational and human resources complex, which should ensure the realization of the objective goals and tasks of the Ukraine’s food industry enterprises’ economic modernization. The implementation of economic modernization will promote the stability and economic growth of the country in terms of market transformations.
Keywords: Economic Modernization; Food Industry Enterprises; Market Economy Conditions
JEL Classification: D51
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Received 20.02.2013