Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 64-67
Citation information:
Novykova, M. (2013). Formalization of methodological approaches to the evaluation of Ukraine’s aviation transport complex strategic potential. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 64-67.
Maryna Novykova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Institute of Economics and Management Deputy Director,
National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Formalization of methodological approaches to the evaluation of Ukraine’s aviation transport complex strategic potential
Abstract. Article is devoted to solving problems concerning the strategy of Ukraine’s aviation transport complex enterprises according to the priorities of national development. The basic provisions of the concept of strategic capabilities are determined to help solving the task of raising competitiveness in the long term perspective on the basis of systematic strategic development both separate elements and the entire system which forms the strategic potential of the enterprises of Ukraine’s aviation industry. The methods used for evaluation of the strategic potential of the company are researched. A block diagram of the algorithm of the competitive status of the company estimation from the perspective of the ability to achieve the goal is worked out. The methodological approach to the evaluation of entrepreneurial comprehensive strategic potential of air transport enterprise in accordance with its functional components is formed.
Keywords: Strategic Potential; Aviation Transport Complex Enterprises; Life Cycle
JEL Classification: B49; L19; L93; M29; O10
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Received 12.03.2013