Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 68-70

Citation information:
Gudkova, V. (2013). Ordering of social and economic priorities in system of the population transport service. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 68-70.

Victoriya Gudkova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
State University of Transport Economics and Technology, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ordering of social and economic priorities in system of the population transport service

Abstract. Passengers transportation sector is considered by an author through the context of contradictions in social development. To arrange the priorities in the system of public transport service, the hierarchy analysis method is used. In accordance with the identity and decomposition principles the issue of socio-economic imbalance in passengers transportation is examined. Consideration of the issue of imbalance is caused by the need for pseudo service balancing under the conditions of productive capacities with regard to paying capacity of the population and external interests. The level of interaction for transportation enterprises, passengers, the state and other stakeholders, the level of local objectives (achieving economic efficiency, providing consumer value and public benefit) and level of contrasted scenarios (range of alternatives) are defined. The matrices of pairwise comparisons are analyzed and the procedure for their construction is determined. Application of synthesis of alternatives enabled definition of the generalized scenario for balancing the socio-economic needs which suggests promotion of customization tendencies.

Keywords: Multicriterion Decisions; Hierarchy Analysis Method; Synthesis of Alternatives; Passenger Transportation Sector

JEL Classification: C13; C61; L20; L51; L92


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Received 15.03.2013