Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 127, Issue 3-4(1), Pages: 89-92
Citation information:
Smutchak, Z. (2013). The features of human resource management: genesis of scientific thought. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(1), 89-92.
Zinaida Smutchak
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kirovograd Flight Academy of National Aviation University, Ukraine
The features of human resource management: genesis of scientific thought
Abstract. From the moment of its occurrence, and to this day the science of personnel management has developed many concepts and theories, which represent the stages of development of material production, direction or other research, socio-economic conditions of employment in certain countries, etc. Significance of the study of labor relations and prospects of their harmonization also objectively is growing due to increasing exposure to global processes. The features of evolution of scientific thought concerning human resource management including positions of the relations of employers and hired workers are analyzed in the article. The systematization of alternative scientific approaches to harmonization of the social-labour relations is offered. It is important to know the direction and nature of changes in the management of the personnel, since they show a real vector of development of Ukrainian society, the state as a whole. Certainly, to evaluate the evolution of relations in the sphere of work and the possibilities of their development and regulation is advisable only within a particular historical period. From the position of the society’s democratization achievements, modern ideas and awareness of the national economies modernization processes, taking into account the effects of globalization is much easier to see how to avoid the devastating strikes and revolution. In this direction it is important to understand the perspectives of development of labour relations.
Keywords: Personnel; Social-Labour Relations; Harmonization; Modernization of Society; Social Dialogue
JEL Classification: J50
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Received 06.02.2013