Determinants of impact on strategic directions of airline enterprise: international practices

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 128, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 23-25

Citation information:
Hrychkoyedova, M. (2013). Determinants of impact on strategic directions of airline enterprise: international practices. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 23-25.

Maryna Hrychkoyedova
Post-Graduate Student,
National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Determinants of impact on strategic directions of airline enterprise: international practices

Abstract. The problem of development and implementation of competitive strategy of aviation company is complex and multi-faceted. In the article it is illustrated the process of forming a competitive strategy concerning the Ukrainian and international aviation market for the provision of aviation services, whereas most of the aviation markets were formed and structured, that allows to make analysis of the market situation and the processes of competition. Selection and evaluation of strategies for economic growth, which is based on innovation factors, should be based on the results of clustering international airlines on macroeconomic characteristics of Index of development of the international airline potential. It allows classifying airlines as: high-potential innovative development airlines; industrial-innovative development airlines; airlines with low or absent innovative development potential. It is necessary to determine the possible and foreground directions of the strategic development of a single airline and aviation market in whole.

Keywords: Airline Competition; Strategy; Cluster; Innovation

JEL Classification: C52; E20; F01; O11


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Received 14.03.2013