Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 128, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 29-32

Citation information:
Manzhura, O. (2013). Problems of the consumer cooperatives system reorganizing in Ukraine. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 29-32.

Oleksandr Manzhura
PhD (Economics),
Deputy Director of Poltava Cooperative College, Poltava, Ukraine

Problems of the consumer cooperatives system reorganizing in Ukraine

Abstract. The current problems of the consumer cooperatives reorganizing in Ukraine within the context of the sector strategy reforming have been studied. The article’s purpose is to formalize the organizational structure of the consumer cooperatives system in Ukraine; to carry out critical assessment of the legal principles of its functioning and under this to rationalize the recommendations for reorganizing the consumer cooperatives system in Ukraine, which are focused on its adaptation to the market economic principles. The following search methods have been used: analysis and synthesis, formalization, hierarchy, comparative law. The main result of the article is the scientific justifying a new organizational and economic model of the consumer cooperatives system functioning. The new principles of hierarchical structural construction of such system have been developed through creating the alliances of consumer associations and consumer associations transforming into business organizations. The main accent has been given to the priority function of consumer associations for implementation of the cooperative policy; protection the rights and interests of their members; execution the delegated powers.

Keywords: Consumer Cooperatives; Organizational and Economic Model; Hierarchical Block Structure; Reorganization

JEL Classification: Q13; D11; E20; E27; L20; J54


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Received 22.03.2013