Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 128, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 39-42

Citation information:
Sergeeva, O. (2013). Influence of information technologies on cash flow management. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 39-42.

Olena Sergeeva
Post-Graduate Student,
Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine

Influence of information technologies on cash flow management

Abstract. In Ukraine issues of financial sector and foremost bank sphere and informative infrastructure of modern bank are actively examined on reformation, is at that stair, which will provide possibility of growth and competitiveness of bank. The author found that the informative infrastructure of bank of the future would use a universal integration platforms suiting world community standards.

Keywords: Cash Flow; Efficient Management; Operating; Financial & Investment Banking; Information Technology; System of BMP; Model Architecture BMP

JEL Classification: E52; G21


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Received 05.02.2013