The analysis of internal interaction quality in the enterprises’ marketing management system

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 128, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 46-48

Citation information:
Zaremba, V. (2013). The analysis of internal interaction quality in the enterprises’ marketing management system. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 46-48.

Vyacheslav Zaremba
Post-Graduate Student,
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named by Mykhaylo Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine

The analysis of internal interaction quality in the enterprises’ marketing management system

Abstract. The analysis of internal interaction quality in marketing management system of the enterprises is carried out. The author selected the 15 trade enterprises grouped in five clusters, depending on the format of enterprises, scale of activity and the level of specialization of assortment for the research. Based on the analysis it was suggested the complex assessment model of internal interaction quality in marketing management system, which provides for the calculation of such indicators as personnel adaptability level of the enterprise, the organizational personnel behavior quality level of the enterprise, the organizational discipline level in the enterprise, the presence of conflicts sources at the enterprise, the collective cohesion level of the enterprise, the organizational culture formation level of the enterprise.

Keywords: Interaction; Internal Interaction; Internal Interaction Quality

JEL Classification: D21; D23; M12


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Received 13.03.2013