Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 128, Issue 3-4(2), Pages: 49-52

Citation information:
Chukhraeva, N. (2013). Modern principles of enterprise’s innovative development providing. Economic Annals-XXI, 3-4(2), 49-52.

Natalia Chukhraeva
Post-Graduate Student (Economics),
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine

Modern principles of enterprise’s innovative development providing

Abstract. To extract as many as possible benefits from using an innovation, managers must be directed effort, at first, on research of necessities of users ground of time of leading out of innovative product to the market, secondly, on the acceleration of processes of forming of market of innovative product and thirdly on copy protecting of innovative product, including with the use of instruments of guard of intellectual ownership rights. Accordingly, a management innovative development must provide actuality of innovation. The modern principles of providing of innovations are based on the factor of time: principle of prediction of actuality of innovation, principle of stimulation of actuality of innovation, principle of prolongation of actuality of innovation and principle of continuity of innovative process.

Keywords: Innovation; Management of Innovative Development; Principles of Prediction; Stimulation and Prolongation of Actuality of Innovation; Principle of Continuity of Innovative Process

JEL Classification: D21; O31


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Received 05.03.2013