Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 22-25

Citation information:
Kachaňáková, A. (2013). Present state of performance evaluation in public administration organisations operating in Slovakia. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 22-25.

Anna Kachaňáková
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Head of the Department of Management,
Vice-Rector for Full-Time Education,
School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Present state of performance evaluation in public administration organisations operating in Slovakia

Abstract. Continuous performance evaluation is necessary to be considered as an integral part of continuous management process. It enables updating of working objectives and plans, continuous development of skills and overall competence of employees and possible solution of performance problems. Final examination and evaluation of performance provides for creation of the overall picture of performance up to now as a basis for elaboration of future plans. Except for employee development itself, evaluation can have a positive impact on whole human resources management system, which should eventually be seen in whole organisation efficiency increase. With regard to significance and necessity of the existence of performance evaluation system in 84 organisations, results of our 2012 research sound negative. The extent to which organisations deal with employee evaluation was found out within researches focused on identification of present state of human resources management in public administration organisations operating in Slovakia.

Keywords: Human Resources Management; Interviewed Organisations; Working Performance Evaluation; Development; Performance

JEL Classification: E24; J24; O15


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Received 18.05.2013