Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 30-33
Citation information:
Negovskа, J. (2013). Financial actuators of innovative and intellectual potential of society formation. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 30-33.
Julia Negovskа
Senior Lecturer,
Executive Director,
National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine
Financial actuators of innovative and intellectual potential of society formation
Abstract. Introduction. Progress of world economics trends testify convincingly that in Ukraine can’t be other way of progress, than forming of innovative and intellectual type of economics. In the present terms of Ukraine’s development, innovative and scientific activity form technical progress basis, as a result, intellectual potential becomes an essential factor of socio-economic development and solving of economic, ecological, social and cultural problems. Purpose. One of the important stages of society’s innovative and intellectual potential forming and development is the potential of the state financial actuators usage which includes optimization of the source system of enterprises’ investment projects financing, bringing in budgetary facilities into the innovative process funding, own resources of business units, financial resources of bank and non-bank segments of financial market. Conclusion. Today in Ukraine the innovative and intellectual potential financing is the main tool in support of present resources of enterprise’s environment effective usage. In author’s opinion, the combination of bank accommodation, state financing and property asset is very effective. Measures on stimulation of non-state investing in scientific, technological and innovative activity should harmoniously be combined with traditional approaches of direct budgetary support.
Keywords: Intellectual Potential; Innovative Activity; Innovative and Intellectual Potential; Investment; Investment Resources
JEL Classification: G23; G24; H52; O31; O32
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Received 11.05.2013