Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 34-37
Citation information:
Maksyuta, A. (2013). Budgetary strategy as an instrument of economic growth. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 34-37.
Anatoliy Maksyuta
First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Ukraine
Budgetary strategy as an instrument of economic growth
Abstract. The essence of the budgetary strategy in the system of economic growth is exposed in the article. The author grounded the expediency of the institutional framework improving for the development of budget strategies, based on cyclicality of economics and marginal stability of the budget system, the methodological principles of management by objectives budgeting method, the usage of effective approaches to the management of public finances. The main directions of fiscal policy for the medium term are determined taken in conjunction with the objectives of socio-economic development. The author made further developments of the regulations aimed to balance the public finances, strengthen accountability of main budgetary spending units for the set objectives achievement, increase efficiency of budget expenditures, and improve gains of economic reforms.
Keywords: Budget; Budgetary Strategy; Budgetary Performance; Budgetary Adjusting; Economic Growth
JEL Classification: E60; E62; E69; H50; H61
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Received 28.04.2013