Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 45-48

Citation information:
Veriga, A. (2013). Diagnostics of monetary policy types in Ukrainian banks. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 45-48.

Anna Veriga
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Donetsk State University of Management, Ukraine

Diagnostics of monetary policy types in Ukrainian banks

Abstract. Introduction. The importance of development and realization of banks currency policy was substantiated in the conditions of instability of currency market of Ukraine, taking into account the necessities of prognostication and currency risk of banks management. Purpose is diagnostics of types of the Ukrainian banks currency policy on the basis of analysis of their financial reporting data. Methods are structural analysis, statistical distributions, ranking, economic diagnostics. Results. An estimation of specific gravity of assets and obligations of banks of Ukraine in foreign currency, of the size and level of open currency positions is given. The normal character of stake distribution of currency assets and obligations is identified; the banks with the longest and shortest currency positions and with the maximum values of level of open currency position to the property asset are distinguished. Conclusion. On the criteria of part of currency assets and obligations, size and level of currency position, the currency policy of Ist group of banks is acknowledged as aggressive, of IInd and IIIrd groups of banks – as moderate, of IVth group of banks – as conservative.

Keywords: Currency Policy; Currency Position; Hard Currency Assets and Liabilities; Bank

JEL Classification: F31; G21; E50; E59


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Received 14.05.2013