Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 53-55

Citation information:
Shevchuk, O., & Kopotiyenko, T. (2013). Reformation of Ukraine’s state financial control institutions in conditions of the European integration. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 53-55.

Oleg Shevchuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

Tetyana Kopotiyenko
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

Reformation of Ukraine’s state financial control institutions in conditions of the European integration

Abstract. The authors investigate the problems of the public financial control reforming in Ukraine which have arisen in conditions of its intentions to integrate to the European Union. In particular, the state and problems of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine functioning are analysed. The ways to improve the legal status, powers and activity of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine at the legislative level have been proposed.

Keywords: State Financial Control; the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine; the European Union

JEL Classification: E60; E69; F36


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Received 26.02.2013