Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 67-70

Citation information:
Volosnikova, N. (2013). Impact of institutional support on defining of an integrated logistic vector direction at enterprises. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 67-70.

Nataliya Volosnikova
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine

Impact of institutional support on defining of an integrated logistic vector direction at enterprises

Abstract. The processes of institutional dynamics are currently poorly understood in Ukrainian business environment. However, despite the increased interest in these issues, logistics still lacks reasoned systematization of the composition and structure in socio-economic institutions of real economies. Virtually no research of institutional factors impact on the formation and development of an integrated logistical mechanism at enterprises were performed.

The aim of the article is to study the impact of the institutional environment and institutional factors on the direction of development and control of integrated business processes logistics.

Institutional infrastructure support an integrated logistics processes can be considered as matching system that defines the vector of logistics processes in the company and consists of a large number of interrelated elements, each of which can be presented as a separate institutional system. The theory of institutional infrastructure to support integrated logistics process contains a set of methodological approaches and methods that allow building of institutional systems models, using achievements of various sciences.

Lack of deep scientific research conceptual framework and systematic methodology to ensure the effectiveness of the institutional infrastructure to support integrated logistics processes grounds the need to find further ways and mechanisms to enhance the formation of modern infrastructural support of the integrated logistics processes that will reduce the transaction costs associated with logistics processes at enterprises.

The priorities of institutional support for logistics integrated processes should include: creation and improvement of the regulatory framework, institutional structure formation to maintain market conditions for effective interaction between agents of logistics integrated processes.

Keywords: Institutional Environment; Integrated Logistics Processes; Institutional Infrastructure

JEL Classification: M11; M40


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Received 16.03.2013