The laws and the main dominants of machine-building enterprises development in conditions of strategic changes

Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 75-78

Citation information:
Kovtunenko, K. (2013). The laws and the main dominants of machine-building enterprises development in conditions of strategic changes. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 75-78.

Kseniya Kovtunenko
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine

The laws and the main dominants of machine-building enterprises development in conditions of strategic changes

Abstract. The author considers the features of engineering enterprises functioning. The activity of the machine-building enterprises is analyzed. Specification and dominants of machine-building enterprises development in the context of strategic changes are determined. The main laws that have a negative affect on the development of machine-building enterprises are: insufficient investment in machine building by domestic and foreign investors, lack of government support, poor infrastructure of the market, lack of ability to pay to manufacturers, lack of a clear innovative strategy and enterprise development strategy, the obsolescence of fixed assets, the number of workers reduction etc. The export orientation is the main dominant to develop the machine-building enterprises.

Keywords: Machine-Building Enterprise; Innovative Activities; Competitiveness; Indices of Industrial Products; Mechanisms of Management

JEL Classification: L60; O10


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Received 18.04.2013