Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 129, Issue 5-6(1), Pages: 85-88

Citation information:
Bardash, S. (2013). Philosophical foundations of social control in management. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(1), 85-88.

Serhiy Bardash
D.Sc. (Economics),
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

Philosophical foundations of social control in management

Abstract. Introduction. Relevance of this research is proven with the fact that social control is an integral and vital component of a society’s comprehension. Recently has become actual scientific research of nature, content and forms of social control. The scholars study legal, economic, social and ethical aspects of control as a social phenomenon due to the fact that social relationships are a key component of the economics at all levels. However, the mechanism of economic systems’ social control at different levels is ineffective. Therefore, a study of the philosophical foundations of social control in the field of management as an element of such a mechanism is needed.

Purpose of the article is to analyze the views of scholars from different branches of science concerning the nature, content and single units of the conceptual apparatus of social control, to show its importance in the economic relations of individuals and social groups, and also to justify such philosophical foundations of social control as its nature, subject, object and form in the economic branch.

Results. It has been recognized that the social control in management field is indispensable element of the social mechanism of economic systems’ development at all levels of the economy; its realization forms in the field of management have been defined, as well as the results of the realization – granting of the economic and legal assessment of economic behavior which is taken over management solutions in the field of management.

Keywords: Social Control in Economics; Social and Economic Norms; Economic Behavior; Results of Social Control

JEL Classification: M49; H89; H10; Z00


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Received 23.04.2013