Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 130, Issue 5-6(2), Pages: 34-37

Citation information:
Pryidun, L. (2013). Optimization of the National Bank of Ukraine regulatory impact on banks credit operations. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(2), 34-37.

Lyubov Pryidun
Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

Optimization of the National Bank of Ukraine regulatory impact on banks credit operations

Abstract. The given investigation proves that the most common instruments of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) influence on the process of bank crediting need substantial improvement under conditions of the post-crisis functioning of country’s economy. The necessity of the transmission instrument’s optimization that ensures efficiency of the NBU’s monetary and a credit policy change transferring to commercial banks is substantiated. The improvement of connection between the regulator’s interest rate policy and banks crediting activity is advised. It can be achieved by means of reducing the risk component of interest rate for credits and implementing purposeful course to reduce real inflation. It will help to decrease the cost of credit resources and give market participants the possibility to plan long-term activity. Due to the points covered, a set of certain measures is indicated in this article. It is reasonable to use these very measures by the NBU to create favorable surrounding for real sector crediting by commercial banks that will positively influence the economical development of Ukraine.

Keywords: Credit; Monetary and Credit Policy; Refinancing; Real Sector

JEL Classification: E42; E50; E58


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Received 05.04.2013