Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 130, Issue 5-6(2), Pages: 44-47

Citation information:
Fedenko, S. (2013). Financial support of the cluster model functioning in the system of medical services. Economic Annals-XXI, 5-6(2), 44-47.

Svitlana Fedenko
Post-Graduate Student,
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Financial support of the cluster model functioning in the system of medical services

Abstract. The main goal of health care reform should be construction of a new model of its functioning on the regional level that would enable fair and equal access of population to medical services. Usage of cluster model for rendering of medical services is one of the effective and tested mechanisms in the world practice, capable of overcoming crisis phenomena in health care and ensuring respective growth. Clustering methodology of health care in Ukraine is new and not enough scientifically developed. That is why the realized research enables implementation of medical services cluster model on the regional level and determines the possible participants of medical cluster for reception of quality medical services. Mobilization of funding resources from the sources on different levels (state, enterprises, international organizations and funds, households) will ensure necessary financial conditions for normal functioning of medical cluster and will serve as a respective guarantee thereof.

Keywords: Cluster Model in the System of Medical Services; Medical Cluster; Potential Participants of Medical Cluster; Medical Cluster Funding Sources

JEL Classification: G00; G34; I18


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Received 07.05.2013