Economic Annals-XXI: Volume 131, Issue 7-8(1), Pages: 6-10

Citation information:
Kravchuk, N. (2013). System determinants and strategic vectors of geo-financial space restructuring in conditions of disequilibrium development. Economic Annals-XXI, 7-8(1), 6-10.

Natalia Kravchuk
PhD (Economics),
Associate Professor,
D.Sc. (Economics),
Degree Seeker,
Ternopil National Economic University, Ukraine

System determinants and strategic vectors of geo-financial space restructuring in conditions of disequilibrium development

Abstract. Introduction. Modern geo-financial space development is taking place in conditions of intersystem transformations which are coherent with the logics and methodological concept of the nonlinear dynamics theory. In such conditions, the new occurs from the transitional, systemically indefinite state (chaos) which can not be changed quickly, contains creative energy and constructive potential for fundamental transformations. Significance of intersystem transformations methodology especially actualizes in analyzing of geo-financial space strategic restructuring vectors in conditions of disequilibrium development.

Purpose. To give conceptual substantiation of system determinants and strategic vectors of geo-financial space restructuring in functional, spatial and time dimensions taking into account specifics of disequilibrium development at modern stage of intersystem transformations. Results. In the article, an in-depth research of the actual global development problems in geo-financial space is represented. Compositionally, the research uncovers in two main directions: the first one is generalizing and systematization of geo-financial space strategic development vectors and the second one is deep study of geo-financial space disequilibrium development determinants. The material is represented in projection at up-to-date theoretical and applied problems of geo-financial space restructuring in functional, spatial and time dimensions. Conclusion. The strategic vectors of geo-financial space restructuring have been generalized. The measures for global financial architecture change within each of them have been proposed, as well as the basic principles of geo-financial space functioning, and opportunities and threats for global development definition. The hypothesis has been put forward concerning geo-financial space integral configuration formation which will develop on basis of double logics – «financial regionalism» and «transformed multilateralism».

Keywords: Geo-Financial Space; Restructuring; Disequilibrium Development; Intersystem Transformations

JEL Classification: D59; F01; F02; F39; H87


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Received 12.07.2013